Friday, June 04, 2004

You're NOT Polite. You ARE Stupid.

For fucks sake. When you get to the four way stop first, go first! Stop trying to wave me through like you're the nice guy and just follow the rules of the road and fucking GO! This goes for you assholes that get there at the same time and you're on the right. You make me want to drive over to your car, get out and break off your antenna. Oh, and stay out of the fast lane on the freeway too you idiot. Some of us have places to go. We're not sight seeing. We live here.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

"Nudity in public is provocative and illegal," he said.

Provocative? Oh, my. We wouldn't want that! Why is it that some humans are so fucking uptight about the human body? This question has haunted me for many years now. I'm no nudist and don't walk around in my yard naked. Most people would not want to see me naked, but why is it that it's considered dirty? I'm also not alarmed or even turned on by the sight of a naked person (there are some women I would like to see naked, but that doesn't mean that I would loose control and turn into an idiot. Can't the children of Amsterdam just get a peek so they might be less likely to be sexual freaks when they grow up? Most of the religious kids I knew growing up ended up over compensating and getting into trouble when they grew up. I'll never understand people with less will power than me.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Bill Nevins is gonna be rich!

OK. I read a lot of blogs and many talk about how fucking idiotic it is to have the view that not supporting the president is unpatriotic. Some people even say that not supporting our president is not supporting our troops. These people are obviously THE most stupid people on Earth. Hard to argue right? Well, here is one that will make your head snap off. (via bitter-girl) Bill Nevins of Rio Rancho High School in New Mexico was fired while he was the teacher of a poetry class and faculty advisor for the Slam Team, a group of kids that were learning poetry and performing it in front of audiences. One girl's poem was too much for the principle to take. Was it obscene? Well, that depends on what your views on criticizing Bush are. The principal Gary Tripp (related to Linda, no doubt) and his school's "Military Liason" WTF? didn't like her poem because it "criticized the war in Iraq and the Bush administration's failure to give substance to its 'No child left behind' education policy." I don't want to quote the whole thing here. YOU MUST READ IT FOR YOURSELF TO BELIEVE IT! I can't wait to see this fucker and his cronies loose this one in court. How stupid can people get?

UPDATE It seems that the original link to the story is now dead because the schools lawyers seem to have threatened the paper that printed it. I've changed it just so you can get the story from my perspective. Just in case, here are some more:
Alliance for Academic Freedom
Here is a link to a letter from the school and the girl who wrote the poem.
Something is fishy here and I'm not sure who's up to what. It seems that the teacher involved was indeed fired, but they claim it has nothing to do with the girl or her poem, but they won't tell why. They won't even tell the girl. She believes the school. hmmm.
The Agonist

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

A $28,000 Night at the strip club.

I don't know who's telling the truth in this one, but even if this guy was over charged by three times, he still needs to buy a hooker. READ MORE. I mean come on, if you're spending over eight grand in one night at a strip club, you might want to rethink your life... or end it. Fucking idiot probably drives a Corvette.

Is this news new?

No Shit! Did I miss something or didn't we already know that air pollution was bad for us? Maybe they're just telling us it's worse than we thought, but fuck (not butt fuck), is this news?

Man Commits Suicide After Sex with Hen

I'm sorry to tell you that the above is a REAL headline. Read More... I don't know why he would commit suicide after getting caught by his wife. It's not like she would ever tell anyone. I mean, it doesn't bode well for your sexual prowess when your husband would rather bang a chicken.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Your favorite oxymoron!

Jesus Fuck! Tillman was killed by "friendly fire." Go USA!!