Friday, January 07, 2005

Voodoo and Fraud!... ?

I'm no lawyer, but I'm trying to figure out what fraud has to do with this survey by Men's Fitness Magazine.
Houston Mayor Bill White,... called the survey "mostly voodoo and fraud."
I mean, they gathered some statistics about American cities and used them to decide which ones they felt were "fattest" and "fittest." Although it wasn't very scientific, what's so fraudulent about it? So there's a bunch of fat people in Texas. Did we need a survey to tell us that? Now Voodoo, well, it's obvious that the editor of Men's Fitness is big in black magic. Just read the survey and you'll see that it's full of voodoo.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Third Place My Ass!

How did this label come in third place in the annual Wacky Warning Labels contest?
A $100 third prize went to Ann Marie Taylor, of Camden, S.C., who submitted a warning from a digital thermometer that said, "Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally."
I mean, the first and second prize winners were funny and all, but come on folks!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Blog Explosion

I'm hoping that starting an account with Blog Explosion will motivate me to start up this blog again. I wasn't very motivated before because I had basically one reader (thanks Lar). I've been pretty pissed about stuff lately, so I'm sure I could spew some of my bile on you guys... If you don't mind that is.