Friday, August 06, 2004

Why Los Angeles?

Answers to a few questions asked at

1. How long have you lived in Los Angeles?
Since August 10 1964
2. Were you born here?
Yep, Van Nuys Actually
3. How long did you plan on staying here originally?
4. How long do you plan on staying here now?
I have no plan. I suppose the next few answers will say more.
5. What keeps you here?
Clients... and friends and family.
6. What makes you want to leave?
Traffic and... well, traffic.
7. What is your biggest suprise about living here?
No surprises. I don't really know any other way.
8. What is your biggest disappointment about living here?
That I don't really know any other way.

Ding Dong The Freak Is Dead!

What took SO LONG?

Monday, August 02, 2004

Dubya Only Wants Christians On The Road

OK, I'm extrapolating a little here... a little. Read THIS. OK, OK, I realize this would never happen here, but I bet there are more than a few right-wingers that would think this is a good idea. Well, not with that voodoo, fake, Middle Eastern religion in the story, but with the only true religion, Good ol' American Christianity!