Thursday, September 02, 2004

Have I Used "D'oh!" As A Title Yet?

How can people be so fucking stupid? A $200 bill? Come on folks. Oh, not to mention:
The bill did carry a picture of President Bush, but he is not one of the presidents who appear on U.S. currency.
Found via Kamikaze Lunchbreak

Monday, August 30, 2004

Ed Schrock is a Bad Bad Boy!

Oh man! I love this shit! Does it get any better then when some conservative asshole of the most homophobic kind turns out to be searching for a little man love on the side? I think not!!!! READ ABOUT IT HERE! AND HERE!
Ed Schrock has a voting record that the most right wing conservative would be proud of. The Christian Coalition gave him a 92% rating in their 2003 voting guide... ...His score over at the Human Rights Campaign? ZERO!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Laziest Post Ever.

Well, Duh!