Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thank You Poor People!

It's like those folks at The Onion can READ MINDS
Added Bush: "God bless America's backwards hicks, lunchpail-toting blockheads, doddering elderly, and bumpity-car-driving Spanish-speakers."
Brilliant! I know it's faux news, but you gotta believe that the folks at BushCo are saying some of this stuff to each other behind closed doors. Oh, one more great faux quote:
"That's why I always vote straight-ticket Republican, just like my daddy did, before he lost the farm and shot himself in the head, and just like his daddy did, before he died of black-lung disease in the company coal mines."

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Fuck The South

I don't know who wrote this, but I think I'm in love.